City School of Architecture

About CSA

We turn ideas into works of art.

The City School of Architecture (CSA), with a history of over thirty-nine years, offers a path in architectural education towards a career in the building industry with a broad-based teaching and learning process, rooted in the real world of practice, creating a pathway for students from obtaining a degree to becoming a professional architect.

Its structured curriculum, design studios, theoretical and technology-based education, and the experiences of the practice of architecture within the learn-and-work “sandwich concept” of the course enable students to form working relationships and establish direct links with the construction industry. Students study in an environment where critical thinking, creativity, and innovation will be enriched in them, leading to a professional career.

CSA is an accredited school of the Board of Architectural Education (BAE) of the Sri Lanka Institute of Architects (SLIA). It received The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) full accreditation for its Parts I & II Courses in January 2011 and was unconditionally reaccredited in March 2023 for the next 5 years. CSA students successfully completing the Parts I & II Courses and Examinations will receive the internationally reputed exemption of the RIBA Part I & II Professional qualifications. This qualification will enable students to apply for RIBA International Membership.




The City School of Architecture is optimistic in its quest to become one of the leading institutions in the South Asian Region, to educate and train Architects.


The Mission of the School remains to train students as qualified Architects with competitive and comprehensive knowledge of the profession, able to adapt to real and contemporary trends and needs and be professionally ethical and socially and environmentally responsible. Within this larger scope, the school also envisions to promote in its curriculum and ethos that would attract students from a wider cross section, including foreign students.