City School of Architecture

The New Normal

The Covid-19 pandemic has made a significant impact in the world in almost every aspect including architecture and our surrounding environment.

It allowed architects to take a stel back and rethink about the slaves we occupy ourselves in.

Considering how the pandemic made it impossible to go back to the old normal we were forced to adapt to a new normal. with social distancing being an important criteria we wanted to aim at creating a space more spacious contrary to how we were cooped up in quarantine.

The aim of this exhibition was to create a positive impact on our wellbeing. We encompassd the idea of less is more and made the space " minimalistically interesting." by reducing clutter and material and creating maximum room for movement. Taking advantage of the new normal we formed a digital exhibition. Our materials included of recyclable plywood panels that we were able to resell, a handmade collage that ran around the facade which was made from recycled flex and magazines SOURCED entirely by the students and family and made use of rented materials like gi pipes and projectors.

With Covid-19 having an impact on the economy we made use of materials that were easy and accessible to source in Sri Lanka.